Терехова Т.А., Трофимова Е.Л., Терехова Н.В.
Представлены результаты исследования особенностей представления образа российской интеллигенции в СМИ. На основе данных, полученных с помощью психосемиотического анализа медиа-текстов 95 интервью представителей современной российской интеллигенции, выявлены актуальные самоидентификации: интериоризированное чувство ответственности за будущее социума; объективность как ключевая личностная черта посредника между властью и обществом; стимулирование процесса интериоризации членами общества чувства причастности к развитию страны. Обнаружены различия в самоидентификации артистов, музыкантов и ученых. Показано, что современные масс-медиа трансформируют представления об интеллигенции, которая внесла свой вклад в историю цивилизации и продолжает жить, достойно отвечая вызовам современности.
Ключевые слова: самоидентификация российской интеллигенции; медиатексты; психосемиотика; категории «время», «смыслы», «ответственность».
T.A. Terekhova, E.L. Trofimova, N.V. Terekhova
The authors of the article analyze the image of the Russian intelligentsia presented in mass media and overview the notion “intelligentsia” in the scientific context. The “com-mon spiritual basis” is considered as the basic principle of distinguishing it (intelligentsia). The intelligentsia is aimed to perform the function of values and culture exteriorization. However, Russian intellectuals have always possessed two contradictory traits of character: the freedom as an individual character trait as well as strong social attachment. This ambivalence of character traits is determined by the influence of certain circumstances, such as political situation, spiritual atmosphere etc. The authors consider that modern mass-media transform the percept of intelligentsia which contributed to the history of civilization and continues to live and properly respond to the challenges of modern world. In order to distinguish the current self-identifications of the modern Russian intelligentsia the authors carried out the psychosemiotical analysis of media texts. We have studied 95 interviews of intelligentsia representatives. The categories of “time”, “meanings” and “responsibility” were distinguished for the analysis. The differences in self-identities were distinguished between actors, musicians and scientists. The category of “time” revealed more obvious link of time in the answers of scientists and actors. It can be determined by the fact that actors and scientists have much more opportunities for transmission of cultural values and knowledge to the members of society in comparison with musicians. The category “meanings” revealed that intelligentsia pays great attention to the favorable effect of interiorizing the transmitted information by the society and correspondence of this information to the constructive values and society norms as well as positive influence on the scientific progress which must be maximum safe for every person and the society as a whole. The category “responsibility” showed that the levels of personal and shared responsibility are practically equal.
As a result, the following self-identities of the Russian intelligentsia were distinguished. Firstly, interiorized feeling of responsibility for the future of society. The representatives of intelligentsia have a distinct understanding of their role in the society and great importance of their activity for the cultural and intellectual development of the country. Secondly, objectivity is a key personal trait of intermediary between authorities and the society. The main role of intelligentsia is the objective mediation between the representatives of power and citizens. The fulfillment of this role is possible in case the citizens feel trust towards intelligentsia, building dialogue with the authorities, etc. Thirdly, stimulating the process of interiorization the feeling of involvement in the development of the country by members of society. The activity of intelligentsia is aimed at explaining the idea of involvement via transmitting appropriate values and patterns of behavior.
Keywords: self-identity of the Russian intelligentsia; media text; psychosemiotics; categories “time”; “meanings”; “responsibility”.
Терехова Т.А., Трофимова Е.Л., Терехова Н.В. Самоидентификация современной российской интеллигенции по результатам психосемиотического анализа медиа-текстов // Сибирский психологический журнал. 2020. № 75. С. 22-38.
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